Ordinances 851 - 1001
Related Documents
- Ordi. 851 Motor Vehicle - Two Hour Parking
- Ordi. 852 Annual Appropriation for fiscal year May 1, 1998 - April 30, 1999
- Ordi. 853 Vacating street
- Ordi. 854 Levying taxes 1998 - 1999
- Ordi. 855 Amending Art. III Municipal Utility Tax
- Ordi. 856 Stop Intersections
- Ordi. 857 Amending section 1-2-24 Ch. 1 Div. II
- Ordi. 858 Amending City Administration Code
- Ordi. 859 MV Schedule A Stop & Yield
- Ordi. 860 MV Adding sections 24-4-11-12
- Ordi. 861 The State Gift Ban Act
- Ordi. 862 Prevailing Rates of Wages
- Ordi. 863 Mobile Housing Code
- Ordi. 864 Annual Appropriation for fiscal year May 1, 1999 - April 30, 2000
- Ordi. 865 Vacating Street
- Ordi. 866 Vacating Street
- Ordi. 867 Levying taxes May 1, 1999 - April 30, 2000
- Ordi. 868 Amending Section 1-2-23 Investments
- Ordi, 869 Amending Section 38-2-1 (H) (I) utilities code
- Ordi. 870 Motor Vehicle Loading Zone
- Ordi. 871 Amending Ch. 38 Art. V Division IV
- Ordi. 872 Amending Ch. 38 Art, V Division II
- Ordi. 873 Prevailing rates of wages - 2000s
- Ordi. 874 Annual Appropriation for fiscal yar May 1, 2000 - April 30, 2001
- Ordi. 875 Property Maintenace Code
- Ordi. 876 Levying Taxes for fiscal year 2000-2001
- Ordi. 877 Property Maintenace Code D
- Ordi. 878 MV Truck Route
- Ordi. 879 Taxes of the City of Nokomis, IL
- Ordi. 880 Liquor License
- Ordi. 881 Enstar Income Program
- Ordi. 882 MV Semi-Tractor Trailers
- Ordi. 883 Authorizing Easement
- Ordi. 884 Authorizing purchases of real estate
- Ordi. 885 Rental of Real Property
- Ordi. 886 Ascertaining Prevailing Rates of Wages
- Ordi. 887 Water Sewer Services
- Ordi. 888 Annual Appropriation May 1, 2001 - April 30, 2002
- Ordi. 889 Levying Taxes for fiscal year May 2001 - April 2002
- Ordi. 890 Ground Lease Agreement
- Ordi. 891 Adding section 24-6-3 of Motor Vehicle Code - Schedule T - No Parking Zone
- Ordi. 892 Adding Article VIII to Ch. 7 of business code
- Ordi. 893 Amending Ch. 3 Animal Code
- Ordi. 894 Amending section 24-6-4 (E) (Schedule O) of motor vehicle code handicapped parking areas
- Ordi. 895 Amending section 38-4-11 & 38-4-33 of revised code of ordinances
- Ordi. 896 Annual Appropriation for fiscal year May 1, 2002 - April 30, 2003
- Ordi. 898 Revising Section 24-6-3 - No parking Zone
- Ordi. 899 Authorizing Ground Lease Agreement
- Ordi. 900 Levying Taxes for fiscal year 2002-2003
- Ordi. 901 Authorizing sale of real estate - Lot 2 Block 7
- Ordi. 902 Authorizing intergovernmental agreement with NPD & Park District
- Ordi. 903 Annual budget for fiscal year May 1, 2003 - April 30, 2004
- Ordi. 904 Amending sections 1-2-10 (D), 1-2-12, 1-2-13, 1-2-14, & 1-2-18 (R) of Revised Code of Ordinances
- Ordi. 905 Prevailing wages rates
- Ordi. 906 Telecommunications Tax Act
- Ordi. 907 Accept dedication - Brandon Lane
- Ordi. 908 Tree Ordinanace
- Ordi. 909 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2004 - April 2005
- Ordi. 910 Amending sections 21-2-2, 21-2-4, & 21-2-5 of Liquor License Code
- Ordi. 911 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 2004 - April 2005
- Ordi. 912 Officials Employees Ethics Act
- Ordi. 913 Establishing prevailing wage rates
- Ordi. 914 Fireworks
- Ordi. 915 Adding section 24-6-14 of motor vehicle code
- Ordi. 916 Adding section 33-8-5 of street regulations
- Ordi. 917 Article 1 - General Regulations - Open Burning
- Ordi. 918 Levying tax for fiscal year May 1, 2005 - April 30, 2006
- Ordi. 919 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 1, 2005 - April 30, 2006
- Ordi. 920 Amending division IV of Administration Code
- Ordi. 921 Amending division IV of administration code
- Ordi. 922 Prevailing Wage Rates
- Ordi. 923 Amending section 21-3-1 of liquor license
- Ordi. 924 Amending Ch. 3-2-8 of Animal Code
- Ordi. 925 Amending Ch. 1-1-20
- Ordi. 926 Lease of Municipally Owned Property
- Ordi. 927 Consolidated Cable Agreement
- Ordi. 928 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2006 - April 2007
- Ordi. 929 Authorizing sale of real estate
- Ordi. 930 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 2006 - April 2007
- Ordi. 931 Prevailing wage rates
- Ordi. 932 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2006 - April 2007
- Ordi. 933 Amending sections 25-4-1 through 25-4-4 of the inoperable motor vehicle code
- Ordi. 934 Amending Article III of Administration Code
- Ordi. 935 Amending Ch. 3-2-18 Animals Code
- Ordi. 936 Amending Ch.1 Article II
- Ordi. 937 Amending Ch. 38 Article II
- Ordi. 938 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 2007 - April 2008
- Ordi. 939 Amending Section 38-4-11 & 38-4-33
- Ordi. 940 Prevailing Wage Rates
- Ordi. 941 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2007 - April 2008
- Ordi. 942 To Accept Title
- Ordi. 943 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 2008 - April 2009
- Ordi. 944 Amending Ch. 38 Article II
- Ordi. 945 Amending section 38-4-11 & 38-4-33
- Ordi. 946 Prevailing wage rates 2008
- Ordi. 947 Property located on Monroe Street
- Ordi. 948 Property located on State Street
- Ordi. 949 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2008 - April 2009
- Ordi. 950 Borrow Funds from public water supply loan program
- Ordi. 951 Annual budget for fiscal year May 2009 - April 2010
- Ordi. 952 Amending section 38-4-11
- Ordi. 953 Prevailing wages rates - 2009
- Ordi. 954 Amending section 38-4-11 & 38-4-33
- Ordi. 955 Vacating street - Merle Street between Singer Ave & IL RT. 16
- Ordi. 956 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2010
- Ordi. 957 Amending Ch. 21 Article III
- Ordi. 958 Amending Ch. 24 Art VIII
- Ordi. 959 Amending Ch. 21 Art III
- Ordi. 960 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 2010 - April 2011
- Ordi. 961 Prevailing wage rates - 2010
- Ordi. 962 Regulating developments in floodplain areas
- Ordi. 963 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2010 - April 2011
- Ordi. 964 Amending section 24-6-3 of motor vehicle code - No Parking Zone
- Ordi. 965 Mv Schedule A - Stop Intersection
- Ordi. 966 Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement
- Ordi. 968 To Purchase Property
- Ordi. 969 Annual Budget for fiscal year May 2011 - April 2012
- Ordi. 971 Prevailing wage Rates 2011
- Ordi. 972 Levying Taxes for fiscal year May 2011 - April 2012
- Ordi. 973 Amending Ch. 21 Article II
- Ordi. 974 Extending the Authorization to Ameren IL
- Ordi. 975 Amending sections 1-1-19 & 1-1-20
- Ordi. 976 Annual budget for fiscal year May 2012-April 2013
- Ordi. 977 Traffic around North School
- Ordi. 978 Amending Ch. 7 Article IV
- Ordi. 979 Amending section 27 of city code
- Ordi. 980 Prohibition of the sale of cannabis
- Ordi. 981 Prohibition of the sale of cocaine
- Ordi. 982 Amending Ch. 29 Article V
- Ordi. 983 Amending section 38-4-33
- Ordi. 984 Prevailing Rates of Wages - 2012
- Ordi. 985 Amending Ch. 21 Article III
- Ordi. 986 Regarding Penalties
- Ordi. 987 Amending sections 30-2-52
- Ordi. 988 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2012 - April 2013
- Ordi. 989 Amending article II Motor Vehicle - handicapped parking areas
- Ordi. 990 Amending Article II of street regulations - No MV on sidewalks
- Ordi. 991 Amending Article III of offenses code - bicycles on sidewalk & games in the street
- Ordi. 992 Amending Art. III of utilities code - shut off- turn off- call out fees
- Ordi. 993 Annual budget for fiscal year May 2013 - April 2014
- Ordi. 994 Outdoor liquor sales
- Ordi. 995 Prevailing wage rates 2013
- Ordi. 996 User charge system
- Ordi. 997 Opt-out electric program
- Ordi. 998 Regarding Intergovernmental agreement
- Ordi. 999 Levying taxes for fiscal year May 2013 - April 2014
- Ordi. 1000 Borrowing funds from public water supply loan program
- Ordi. 1001 Annual budget for fiscal year May 2014 - April 2015