Ordinances 2101-2137
Related Documents
- Ordi. 2101 Class A Liquor Licenses
- Ordi. 2102 Approving & Authorizing Execution of Agreement to purchase real estate on Front Street
- Ordi. 2103 Expenses of the city ending 2024
- Ordi. 2104 Purchase of 110 N. Maple
- Ordi. 2105 Amending section 4-1-2 of City Code Pertaining to residency of members of plan commission
- Ordi. 2106 Authorizing the disposal of surplus personal property
- Ordi. 2107 SS Ordi. 2100 & amending article V Ch. 6
- Ordi. 2108 Execution of a lease of property
- Ordi. 2109 Levying tax for fiscal year May 2023 - April 2024
- Ordi. 2110 Loan Issuance of Sewerage
- Ordi. 2111 Policy of paid leave
- Ordi. 2112 Regulating low speed electric bicycles & low-speed gas bicycles
- Ordi. 2113 Making appropriations for expenses of the City of Nokomis for May 2023 - April 2024
- Ordi. 2114 Exhibit B - Easement Agreement
- Ordi. 2114 Exhibit C - Notice of sale of property owned by City of Nokomis, IL & invitation to bid thereon
- Ordi. 2114 Bids for surplus real estate
- Ordi. 2114 Advertisement sale of real estate
- Ordi. 2115 Vacating roadway prev. known as Randall Street
- Ordi. 2116 Disposal of Surplus property
- Ordi. 2117 Establishing a procedure for identification & disposal of surplus personal property
- Ordi. 2118 Notice of Special Meeting
- Ordi. 2119 Amending Ch. 23 & 27 of revised code of ordinances
- Ordi. 2120 Authorization sale of real property
- Ordi. 2021 Adoption of annual appropriation
- Ordi. 2122 Authorizing execution of lease
- Ordi. 2124 Amending sections 38-7-4 of revised code of ordinances - Driveways & sidewalks
- Ordi. 2125 Sign Grant Assistance Program
- Ordi. 2126 Implementing a non-home rule municipal retailers' occupation tax & non-home rule municipal service occupation tax
- Ordi. 2127 Implementing a municipal grocery retailers' occupation tax & a municipal grocery service occupation tax
- Ordi. 2128 Amending Ch. 17 of revised code of ordinances pertaining garbage
- Ordi. 2129 Amending ordi. 2125 & facade, site improvement, & sign grant assistance program
- Ordi. 2130 Amending portions of Ch. 38 regarding delinquencies
- Ordi. 2131 Authorizing the establishment of tax increment financing "interested parties" registries & adopting registration rules for these registries
- Ordi. 2132 Levying taxes for fiscal year 2024-2025
- Ordi. 2133 Public hearing date for TIF redevelopment plan & project
- Ordi. 2135 Approving the Nokomis Tax Increment financing redevelopment plan & redevelopment project
- Ordi. 2136 Designating the Nokomis Tax Increment Financing redevelopment project area
- Ordi. 2137 Adopting tax increment financing
- Ordi. 2134 Annexing certain land