Welcome to City of Nokomis, Illinois City of Nokomis, Illinois… A Great Place to Live!
In the City of Nokomis, Illinois. Small town values, guided growth, preservation of historical, cultural, and natural heritage are just a few of the core principles that makes City of Nokomis a wonderful place to call home.
Featured News
*PSA* Water Bills
It's important to note that all water bills must be paid by the 15th of each month, regardless of whether you have recieved them by mail. If you have not recieved your water bill, please contact City Hall to inquire about the outstanding amount and we will work with you. The City is working...
Sealed Vehicle Bids
The City of Nokomis is taking sealed bids for surplus
property listed below, bids will be accepted through April
10, 2025, cut off is 4:00 pm and bid opening will be April
11, 2025, at 10 am at City Hall. All vehicles are parked
behind City Hall if anyone is interested in looking at
Solicitors Permit
Larry from CTI will be out today December 12, 2024 with an appoved solicitors permit.
Solicitors Permit
**Kyle and Larry will be out 11/22/24 & 11/23/2024**
This crew will be out and about again today. 11/20/2024.
Kyle Levy, Roman Hudgins & Larry Hornbeck from CTI Fiber have been approved for a Solicitors Permit and will be out and about town today.
Solicitation Permit
City Hall has approved a Solicitaion Permit for Chris Williamson with Alpha Diversities Group LLC for November 16, 2024.
Tonight's City Council meeting
Tonight's City Council meeting has been cancelled due to a lack of quorum.
Burn Ban
Due to extream dry conditions the Nokomis Area Fire Protection District is prohibiting buring of any type. The burn ban will be reviewed in 7 days. Fire Chief Michael Smalley will advise when the ban has been lifted.
Hydrant Flushing
The week of October 14th the Water Department will be flushing hydrants in the area of S. Spruce to Griffin St.
City of Nokomis Launches a Brand New Website! Subscribe Today!
We are excited to announce that our new website has launched and includes all the information our community needs. Check back often, as we will be adding information every day. Subscribe and receive news and alerts via email and text. Let us know what you think!
Need Help with City Services Schedule?
Give us a call, we will gladly assist you.